Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Issue of Automation in Business Practices Research Paper

The Issue of Automation in Business Practices - Research Paper Example   Allen (2001) looks critically at the disadvantages of manual processes. The main demerit of undertaking business operations manually is that it is time-consuming and wastes organizational resources. Take for instance; a highly automated factory can achieve a higher amount of production within a set timeframe compared with when the processes are undertaken manually. Process automation also encourages organizations to reduce the number of workers and subsequently cut the cost of operation. The undeniable fact is that any organization that carries out most of its operations manually can hardly attain the state 2 of cost-efficiency (Allen, 2001). This is because the organization’s limited resources would be squandered on paying wages and maintaining the large number of employees hired to do the long manual processes. The good news is that every step in a business operation can be automated with the use of applicable technology and software for better efficiency. In a big corpo ration or networked organization, it is helpful to implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) as a system of coordinating all the sections of operations within an organization through the use of software that necessitate swift communication and higher performance among these sections in real-time (Allen, 2001). Automating with ERP helps organization to cut down the number of human personnel required for a job and eliminate cumbersomeness that often affects human activities within an organization. Most proponents of ERP believe that the system provide a unique opportunity for employees of an organization to harness their potentials in a speedy manner while attending to the goals of their organization. And automation is the backbone on which ERP depends on for successful implementation. 2.2 Value-Added Functionality Automating a process or a set of processes undoubtedly increases the value of the output of such processes. Corcoran et al. (2010) believe that automation affords organi zations the benefits of fastness, sustainability and quantifiable outcomes. In other words, when an operation is automated, it increases the added value to the output in a way of quick delivery and better presentation in environmentally friendly nature that would lead 3 to the output being well accepted by consumers. For example, consumers are likely going to show more interest in organizations that offer quick services and products. Though, how much value automation adds to the quality of a service or product is still an ongoing debate. Bannerman (2008) opines that even though an organization enjoys process improvement, this does not necessarily mean that it will lead to business improvement for the organization. However, Allen (2001) states that improved business operations are likely going to add to the value of the goods and services offered by the concerned organization.  Ã‚  

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