Friday, July 19, 2019

Americas Segregation Essay -- essays research papers

America Segregation how has it been affecting the society of Americans for so long? Well according to American Apartheid there just hasn’t been enough time for the 1960s civil rights laws to work themselves out. How long will this take, and will it ever just work itself out? Why are there ghettos and how did they come about. Why are most ghettos in towns and cities in parts that are usually run down? Well if we can remember back in time when immigrants started to enter the United States the different cultures established in the same neighborhoods and communities. Why did they do this? Because they were around people that made them comfortable they were around their cultures and communities that they were accustomed to. They were around a society that was their own. So how did minorities end up in the ghetto? I don’t think they ever got out. When commerce was booming in the city most people lived in the city because that’s where the action was. The jobs, schools, bakeries whatever you needed was in the city. Back in the day when there was no cars or a form of transportation people had to walk or ride horses to where they were going and by being in a place that was condensed with all of these things it made it easy to live there. I think it was a case of a couple different ideas that all had an effect on minorities but primarily I think that the major ingredient was that the elites of the community prevented minorities for exiting the poverty stricken lifestyles and here is how they did it. Education, transportation and flat out racism. These three factors play a major role in why there is segregation today in the U.S. let’s start with transportation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I started with transportation because with transportation came elites moving out of the city to the suburbs. When this happened only people with some kind of money could afford a car to commute to and from the city. These people were the ones who had good jobs and power. Mostly whites had cars at the time and few blacks. These elites moved from the city to establish communities of their own and I am pretty sure that minorities were not welcome. Without transportation minorities were forced to stay in the city and as the suburbs grew larger and larger jobs and commerce that at were one time in the city had now left for the booming suburbs. Business was better in the suburbs and mone... afraid of educated minorities running the country or educating their children. Political power this will come with education. If you are educated and can get your part of the community to support you then you have a great shot of being elected. How do you maintain your power? You keep the people that supported you happy and you don’t upset the other side to bad while you do it. Who doesn’t want you to have to power anyone else who wants it and the ones that you are not giving the benefits too. For instance politician gives tax breaks to elites while struggling citizens still pay high taxes this is not good and destroys a community. I don’t care if your white or black on this issue you will still have major problems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I believe that changes have been made and are being made to desegregate I do believe that there will always be a ghetto. Today cities and towns all have them and have to deal with the crime and poverty that comes along with them. I do believe that education will help these communities somehow but a little self-help in these communities is also needed. Lets face it some people like the ghetto and couldn’t think of a better place to live.

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